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Kim Kardashian Donates Rp.14.5 Billion for Victims of Conflict in Armenia

Kim Kardashian has donated $ 1 million (Rp.14.5 billion) to help Armenia amid the country's ongoing conflict. Armenia is currently in conflict with Azerbaijan.

The 39-year-old Keeping Up with The Kardashians star posted on her Instagram on Saturday, October 10, 2020. She announced her pledge to the Armenia Fund to help those affected during the unrest. Assistance in the form of food, shelter and medical care.

"I feel very honored to be part of today's global effort to support @armeniafund. I have spoken about the current situation in Armenia and Artsakh and had conversations with many others to bring further awareness about the crisis which we cannot allow further. "wrote Kim.

"My thoughts and prayers are with the brave men, women and children. I want everyone to remember that regardless of the distances that divide us, we are not bounded by borders and we are one global Armenian nation," he added.

Kim is of Armenian descent from his late father Robert Kardashian's side. He too often speaks passionately about his origin. This time, he happily announced the assistance provided.

"I will donate $ 1 million (Rp.14.5 billion) to assist their efforts in the field and invite you to join me. Whether you help just by raising awareness and posting on social media or donating just a dollar, it all helps."

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