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Israeli artist will become Queen of Egypt, Gal Gadot feels impatient to star in the biopic Cleopatra

So a rare thing, an Israeli-born artist will play the Queen of Egypt.

Acting artist Gal Gadot will be working with Patty Jenkins again for the biopic Cleopatra.

According to Gal Gadot, the story about Cleopatra was a story he had wanted to tell for a long time.

Apart from playing the main star, Gal Gadot will also be a producer in the Paramount Pictures film.

"I'm excited to start a new journey. I'm excited about the excitement of a new project, a thrill to bring to life a new story," wrote Gal Gadot on Twitter.

The Wonder Woman actor also uploaded a portrait of the Egyptian Queen on his Instagram.

Reported by PEOPLE, Monday (12/10/2020), Gal Gadot can't wait to bring the story about Cleopatra from a women's perspective.

"Telling his story for the first time from a woman's point of view, either behind or in front of the camera," wrote Gal Gadot on his Instagram.

Elizabeth Taylor last played Cleopatra in a film released in 1963.

At that time, the production of Cleopatra's film cost US $ 31 million to produce, making 20th Century Fox almost bankrupt.

Fortunately, Cleopatra managed to win four Oscars at the time.

Meanwhile, Entertainment Weekly reported that in 2011, Sony Pictures had intended to make a new Cleopatra film.

At that time, Angelina Jolie was predicted to star in it.

However, unfortunately the project has never been implemented until now.

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